2022 July Video Camp

Beargrass Media Video Camp July 11-15, 2022

On Friday, the teams finished their 24-Hour Films

This one is called Heaven’s Kitchen


This one is called Mathletes



This one is called Road Trippin


This one is called The One Spoon


On Thursday morning, we covered Foley sounds.  Named for movie sound artist Jack Foley, it is the process of recording sound effects close up and then dubbing that sound into a movie as a replacement for the audio captured by the camera.


We experimented with a program called Super Power FX, and the results are pretty fun.



On Wednesday afternoon, the kids did some Green Screen work.


On Wednesday morning, we covered different film genres, and we gave each team the exact same script.  Each team made their version of the film in the genre of their choice. 

The first video is all 4 genre piecess played back to back with anchor segments in between:


The first of the Genre Pieces is called Almost Superhero’s


The second Piece is called Mystery Superhero Genre:


The next piece is called the Stalker


This next piece switches in mid-stream between Horror and Action Genre Piece



On late completion from Tuesday is called “The Newspaper”


Tuesday’s videos began with a boy named Chip.  


These magic phones we have these days can be a lot of fun, but they can also be dangerous.  


Dealing with your inner-self can be confusing, especially when others get in on the act.  


This one tells of an effort to “Link the World”


We also did videos related to continuous montion (What we call continuation)

This one is called Floor Gum


This one is called Sneaky


Monday Icebreaker Videos

The first series of videos were made Monday morning and afternoon. 

This one is called Greg’s Dog


This one is called “Jinxed”


This one is called ChaChing!


This one is called Broken TV


This one is called Invisible Bench


This one is called 







9 AM – 4 PM

$220 per student

Bardstown Road Presbyterian Church – 1722 Bardstown Road

Sign up for camp via this google form

(For already registered campers, view the welcome packet directly below)

2022 July HCM Video Camp Welcome Packet

To pay for the camp, please use one of the following 2 options:

  1. Transfer $220 via Venmo and mention the student’s name and the camp month in the notes.              ID: @Patrick-Fitzgerald-68
  2. Write a check for $220 to Beargrass Media and mail it to 2513 Blvd Napoleon Louisville KY  40205


The students will learn how to write, record, edit, and publish video productions.  The  camp will be conducted in an in-person format.   The students will use personal devices like phones and tablets tablets as well as camp-supplied video cameras, microphones, a teleprompter, green screen, etc.  Students who have participated in one of our video camps before will be put in a group appropriate to their experience and ability.

There will be an official welcome packet that comes out the week prior to the camp with some more exact details, but  we wanted to give you a heads-up on what to expect.  This will include what we know now and what could change between now and then related to pandemic precautions.

There is still time to request to be paired up with someone who is already registered or to tell a friend to sign up for the camp to join you.  Sooner is better for us, because as the number of students grows, sometimes we pull in additional help for parts of the camp.   

The camp will include some indoor classroom activity, some outdoor instruction and recording, some group projects, and some solo projects. All will be conducted in accordance with the most recent approved CDC Guidelines as well as any additional family concerns for social distancing, masking, and other precautions.  

If anyone would like to get a look at the videos made during the 2022 June video camp, check out the link directly below:


Since we spent part of the last 2 years having kids work on video projects remotely, we have learned that they gain some valuable experience on some of the solo type work on a phone or tablet, and we will incorporate that into the camp.  We would like as many students as possible to bring their portable devices with them to camp.  If your student will NOT be bringing a portable device to camp, please let us know, so we can take an inventory of who will have what.   Students will bring their devices, their lunch, and be dressed for some outdoor time.  

All of the most up-to-date camp details will be on this camp page.  We will post videos for the students and link them on the web site, but if any of the kids already have their own YouTube channel, they can post it, and we will link to it.

Looking forward to connecting with these students this summer.  Please feel free to reach out in advance if you have questions.

Patrick and Jon-Mark

Patrick Fitzgerald



Jon-Mark Sandquist



Jon-Mark Sandquist and Patrick Fitzgerald lead video clubs at Bloom Elementary, Lincoln Performing Arts School, and The de Paul School.  They have worked with youth instructing them on how to make videos for over 12 years.  The past 4 years, they have led Summer and Winter video camps with over 100 youth.  They have each produced multiple award-winning films in the Louisville 48-hour Film Project.  Each has also taught youth music lessons and done commercial work for local businesses and agencies.