Misc Recordings

Miscellaneous Recordings


Warren Ray – Tin Art Guitars

Our Dear Friend Warren Ray passsed away in December, 2022

I had mad a documentary in 2018 showing Warren’s process of making tin art guitars from lunchboxes, and in 2022, I finalized it to share with his friends and family at a memorial celebration that took place in the spring of 2023


Suspicious Minds – Louisville Supergroup – 2020

In December, 2020, Austin Sheehan and Rebekah Lynn Dow spearheaded a recording project featuring a long list of Louisville Musicians including John Wells, Marcy Ziegler, Herschel Zahnd, Tim Miller, Francis Whitaker, Dakota Bragdon, Eliot Thompson, Jeff McQueen, Tony Susnick, Nicholas Rowan, Donnie Arbuckle, Brandon Shell, and Patrick Fitzgerald.  (Patrick played Mandola and 3 saxophone parts.)  Fantastic editing job by Austin and Rebekah!


I submitted this to the NPR Tiny Desk Concert in 2015.  It did not win anything, but it was fun to make. 



Rain Chorus – What I Miss

I recorded the Rain Chorus in a multi-camera shoot at Headliners Music Hall on Deceember 12, 2015. 



Hiding from the Rain

Amy Fitzgerald, Tim Kelty, and I recorded this song in June 2007. 


I wrote this song around 1989.  In 2023, Jeff Faith urged me to play this song on the Wakeman’s porch.  Stella Wakeman heard me play it and asked “Is that a Real Song”?  A couple months later, I recorded it and now dedicate it to her. 

Here is the Soundcloud Link