2019 July Summer Video Camp

The Beargrass Media and Highlands Community Ministries July 2019 Summer Media Camp 

Held at Highland Baptist Church July 8 – 12, 2019

The Camp featured 20 students rising into grades 5 – 9.  the camp was led by Patrick Fitzgerald and Jon-Mark Sandquist.  The syllabus guides students through learning how to write, record, edit, and publish videos. We made a total of 12 videos. 

The Camp began by breaking into 2 groups and making “Icebreaker Videos”.  The videos serve to be an icebreaker in getting students to learn to work together on projects and get to know each other, but they also each contain at least one of each of the main camera angles that students will use the rest of their filmmaking career like wide shots, mid shots, close-ups, cut ins, etc.   An icebreaker video comes with a very detailed screenplay that prescribes each shot and camera angle.  After recording the raw material, the students are guided through a crash course in video editing that ends up with a finished video in about 2 hours. 

Apple Call

A couple hungry people realize that all they need to do to get their hunger satisfied is is to make a phone call, and the food will do the rest.


Word Travels Fast

The modern age and technology has one girl perplexed about how a simple comment can go so wrong so quickly.


Breakout Sessions

In breakout sessions, we broke into 2 small groups.   Each group was given a script with very little direction on how to break the script into shots, camera angles, etc. The students gave a lot of input and figured it out with the help of their group leaders.  Here are their finished pieces.

Tooth or Consequence

Someone once said “A sore tooth is better out than in”, but one kid learns just how hard it is to cure a problem that isn’t quite ready to be fixed.

Air Mail

Sometimes the thing that you want is only available by the method that you were looking for all along but can’t show up until someone else helps from not that far away.


Two girls in the “Quiet Room” get annoyed by the loud music from the boys in the next room and decide they need to pull the plug.  


Genre Pieces

The kids were given a generic script and asked to interpret it into four different genres.  They made their own choices about how to interpret elements of a genre and chose shots and camera angles.

Jerry’s Box of Horror

This one was in the Genre “Horror”.

The Box in Space

This one was in the genre “Science Fiction”.


This one was in the genre “War Movie”. 


Camp Montage

This is a montage of several of the elements that the kids learned at the camp including sound effects, camera angles, drone footage, Steadycam action, and music selection in setting a mood. 


24 Hour Film Project

The kids were given 4 prompts and asked to make a movie in 24 hours. (Which was actually about 8 hours of camp time.)

Character: Ollie Appleton, a Counselor
Prop: Peppermint
Line of Dialog: “I’ve been waiting a long time for this”.
Also, each team had to include one Foley sound.


The Duelist

This team drew “Western”.


Hunger Shames

This team drew “Cop/Detective”


Mint Mayhem

This team drew “Mystery”. 




